Saving Money For Healthcare Providers | Learn More About Spectrum Care with Gary Williams

For this month’s blog, we caught up with our business development manager, Gary Williams, to gain insight into his role here at Spectrum, and discover more about the future plans of our consortium. 

Read on to find out more about how we help healthcare providers save money:

Spectrum Care

Saving Money for Healthcare Providers: Meet Gary Williams

Gary is our business development manager here at Spectrum Care.

Supporting the entire organisation, Gary, along with the rest of the team, chips in to ensure our business operates seamlessly. 

Having worked here for 8 years, his day-to-day responsibilities involve more than just developing new business. He said, “I look after our major waste account, which includes setting up new sites, handling any queries or questions, and dealing with any issues. 

“I’m also involved in plenty of other day-to-day duties; I guess I’m more of an account manager, as I do a lot of work retaining business.”

Saving money for healthcare providers: Meet Gary Williams

Saving Money for Healthcare Providers: About Spectrum Care

Discussing the importance of Spectrum Care, Gary said, “Spectrum is a great organisation. Being founded and run by current care home owners,  we’re solely driven to help our members receive the best possible deals and service. 

“We are effectively a non-profit organisation, so our objectives are always transparent to our members. We strive to give our members the best choice of suppliers at the best rate, with a rebate return on top — double bubble!”

Saving Money for Our Clients

At Spectrum Care, our purpose is to connect suppliers with healthcare providers, helping them build a strong rapport and improve their respective businesses. 

Through this, we help our clients save money — something that’s becoming increasingly more important as they navigate the post-effects of Brexit and Covid, and deal with the current cost of living crisis. 

Gary, who has been instrumental in streamlining the process for our clients, said, “We recently saved an eight-home care group 15% on their food supply, and a six-home care group 35% on their General and Clinical waste services.”

These figures are the tip of the iceberg in how much our clients are saving, and are a phenomenal help during these difficult times.

Saving money for healthcare providers

What Else Does Spectrum Offer Healthcare Providers?

As well as saving money for healthcare providers, Spectrum Care offers a variety of other services, such as webinars and industry updates.

Gary said, “These are vital to our members as legislation, compliance, and guidelines are changing all the time. Our members look to us for advice and guidance. 

“For example, during the pandemic we had weekly webinars with senior Health advisors at Public Health England; this proved critical with our members during such an uncertain time.”

The Future of Spectrum Care

Looking ahead, Gary said, “At Spectrum Care, we’re developing our website and members area rapidly, and hope to have a market place set up in the near future to streamline our ordering process for our members. 

“There are one or two other major announcements in the pipeline which will significantly increase our reputation in the industry!

“It’s free to become a member, and there’s no pressure to use our suppliers. Simply sign up, take a look around our members hub, join a few webinars/seminars, and go from there!”

To find out more about what we can offer healthcare providers here at Spectrum Care, please contact a member of our team

Alternatively, why not read our previous blog to discover how technology in healthcare can help to streamline your processes?

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